
How We Harvest

Harvesting is a ritual in itself, performed either the day of or night before any ceremony by members of the ocha community. In order to harvest, they speak only to the plants — not other people — and ask the plant’s permission before gathering it by saying “ago.”

Many of the plants we use in our products are grown in and gathered directly from our garden. Others, like romero and bay leaves, are gifted to us by elders from their own yards. A small amount is sourced from local businesses in the San Francisco Bay Area.



We are committed to honoring the earth. By growing and harvesting locally, we are able to maintain a lower carbon footprint in our sourcing process. For our packaging, we use reusable materials rather than plastic as much as possible. Our drops and mists come in reusable and recyclable glass bottles — we hope to offer a refill program in the future as well — while our soap comes in mesh cloth.
